Curatorial Smackdown II

Curatorial Smackdown II
Action starts July 26, 2010. Exhibition on view at Gallery Lambton until August 21, 2010
What is a Curatorial Smack Down?

The Challenge:
Using work from the Gallery Lambton Permanent Collection "out-curate" the opponents.

The Objectives:
1. To learn more about curating.
2. To learn more about the collection.
3. To de-mistify the curatorial process for our community.

The Questions:
1. How do collections produce meaning?
2. How do curators produce meaning?
3. How does meaning of the work and of the exhibition shift?

The Process:
1. The Smack Down will take place over two 3 day periods:
Round 1 - July 26, 27 & 28
Round 2 - August 3, 4 & 5.
2. Using work from the permanent collection; select, place, inform and defend your
3. In response to your opponent; select, place, inform and defend your choice.
4. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
5. On day 6, each contender, in addition to their final selection, has the option to
switch or replace one work from the exhibition.
6. Discuss, critique, share and enjoy the process and the exhibition.


  1. Good luck to all three.
    May the best art win!

  2. This is intriguing. Looking forward to July 26th.

  3. Last day for the knock out punch !!!!!
    No pressure at all.
